lump on neck

Hi i have 14 year old daughter shes had lump on her meck which was 1.5cm and was painful now GP has done some bloods and her iron is very low and her hemogolbin is low and nderactive thyroid now GP want to do another blood test for blood disorder im really concerned about her please could you give me some advice thank you 

  • Hello there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your daughter and can imagine what a worrying time this must be for you.

    Unfortunately no one here can say what this lump or abnormal blood results are being caused by but it is good to hear the GP seems to be doing all they can to find out more.

    I appreciate having to wait for tests and results can cause alot of anxiety but try and sit tight for now and keep in communication with the doctor. I am sure they will run more tests or refer you daughter to the hospital if and when needed.

    I hope you know more soon and that everything will work out okay for your daughter.

    Do get back if you have more questions or alternatively give us a call on 0808 800 40404. We're here weekdays 9-5.

    Take care


  • now they have done blood test for her liver ruling out anything serious