I had 4 cycles of CAPOX which finished in early December. The subsequent scan was clear and I felt great. I started working on my recovery, building up fitness and engaging in various diverting activities. I thought I was monitoring things well but since about mid February I am becoming more tired, having allergies and headaches which are very debilitating. I have to stop everything and wait for the pain to go away and my batteries to recharge. This can take from 4 hours to 48 hours. When my batteries run out I get very low and now I am worried that I am becoming ill again. I am finding it hard to gage what my body can cope with and how it should feel. I had expected to feel more normal now especially as i had few side effects during the chemo. Please can you give me some advice as to how to deal with this situation? Am I expecting too much? Why does it seem to be getting worse and not better? Can I do anything more to help myself?
Many thanks