Forehead skin melanoma

I have had a forehead skin melanoma for nearly 3 years and am still on the waiting list for maxofillia surgery, over the past year this has become an open wound and unsightly,  I use plasters and spot covers to disguise it but this only produces people's questions, it is now affecting my mental health but am still classed as low priority which I can understand but doesn't help

  • Hi there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about your situation and the time it is taking for you to be seen by the hospital team.

    It can be difficult when there are waiting lists and you aren't seen as a priority. However it is important you let the doctor know about any changes in your situation in case you can be pushed further up the list.

    I hope this can be sorted out sooner rather than later and wish you all the best.

    Do also let your GP know about how all of this is affecting your mental health to ensure you are getting all the help and support you need at this time.

    Take care
