Nurse appt after lletz prodecure

I had a colposcopy and lletz procedure about 2 weeks ago and was told that the nurse couldn't see anything sinister and that I'd get the results in about 4 weeks.

Yesterday i had a missed call from the hospital and today I've got a letter saying ive got an appt in the consultants clinic but theyve crossed out the consultants name and wrote the name of the nurse who did the procedure.

I know you cant obviously tell me specifically but I'm beside myself with worry, i work in the nhs so know an appt this quick is urgent, but its with a nurse not consultant and theyd said itd be a consultant appt if it was the big C. Plus the nurse said she couldn't see anything sinister which I'm guessing she wouldn't have said unless she was sure.

I lost my mum 5 years ago to cancer 4 months after diagnosis so i know how quick things can turn around and i have two very young children so the whole idea of me not being around for them is making me feel sick to the stomach.

Thank you for any input.