Sore skin treatment after radiotherapy for breast cancer

Any advice as to what cream to use when the skin begins to break down? I was given foam dressing but it doesn’t seem to work.

  • Hello and thanks for your enquiry,

    Unfortunately, we can't give you specific advice , as this lies with your hospital treatment nurse/radiographer team. There are skin care protocols in place, and these can vary a little NHS Trust to Trust.

    Skin Moisturizer that is unperfumed, PH balanced and hypoallergenic can be used for dryness and mild redness. And without SLS ( sodium lauryl sulphate) if possible. However, if the skin breaks, blisters, or becomes moist, then cream should not be used on the area, and particular dressings are provided. Do let your treatment team know that you need this reviewed, as there will be other skin dressings products that can be used.

    I hope that the rest of your treatment goes well.

    Best wishes,
