Smear test results


I had my first smear test in December 2023. My results came back HPV positive and CIN 1 (mild changes in my cells). I went for a colposcopy in January 2024, they took two biopsies which confirmed I have CIN 1 (mild changes in my cells). 

I went for my repeat smear this year in January. My results have come back HPV positive and borderline cell changes. 

Does this mean improvement and my body is fighting or is CIN 1 the same as borderline cell changes?

I have been asked to go for another colposcopy but I am traumatised from my first one. Would it be okay to miss this one given my smear results are boarderline changes in my cells but HPV positive and go for another smear in a years time? 

Is a smear accurate? 

Thank you in advance

  • Hello and thank you for posting.

    Borderline changes are sometimes called mild (low-grade) changes. This is the same as CIN 1.

    No tests are 100% accurate, at the moment the smear test is the most precise way to pick up HPV and abnormal cells.

    Often the immune system can get rid of the HPV but this can take up to a couple of years (possibly longer) and the borderline changes can go back to normal, which is why you may not have treatment and will be asked to have another screening test 12 months after. However, if the changes are still there then you may be invited to have a colposcopy for a closer examination of the cervix.

    I am sorry to learn that you are feeling traumatised after your last colposcopy this must be difficult. Not being involved in your care we cannot say whether or not you can leave the colposcopy for another year. This is something you would need to discuss either with the team at the colposcopy clinic or your GP as they know your situation.

    It will be helpful for them to explain that you found the last colposcopy difficult, as they may be able to help with this.

    I hope you can get support with this.

    take care,
