please help

I'm 18 and have been sent to an urgent breast clinic appointment however its not for another two weeks and since being given it more symptoms have come apparent which i went to my doctor about and she told me she wasn't even going to put them on the system as there was no point.

i know the likely hood of having cancer so young is slim to none however i have almost every symptom that i've tried to explain away as nothing but i cant. The anxiety is effecting my everyday life and i keep having panic attacks over it. 

i will list the symptoms i have-

lump in left breast, nipple discharge that is clear and white, redness of breast, pain in breasts, nipple position has dropped, increased size in my left boob, large veins randomly became visible, and extreme fatigue. 

i had a few of these symptoms for months and just brushed them off but when more and more appeared i contacted y doctor thinking it was a hormone imbalance. They did blood tests to see if this was the case however they all came back normal. I never breast fed and my daughter is now 14 months old. 

any thoughts on what could be going on or reassurance would be great. Thanks x

  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    I can appreciate that this must be a worrying time for you but be reassured that will soon be checked out by a breast specialist at the breast clinic.

    It might be helpful to know that the symptoms of breast cancer can also be more likely to be due to non-cancerous conditions such as infection, Breast Cancer Now have more information about the different breast conditions on their website.

    I am afraid that until you have been seen and checked out no one can say for sure what is the matter. Try not to look too much online as this is likely to cause more anxiety. Try, if you can, to be focused on doing everyday things.

    You would also be welcome to give us a call to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care


  • thankyou for your reply, 

    i will have a look at that link you posted and will try focus on all other things in my day to day life. Infection has been ruled out already by blood tests hence im so stressed as im not very educated in this field but its comforting to know that there are other options of what it could be x