Some idea of time frame

I have just been diagnosed with early stage uterine cancer following a polypectomy.i have now got to have a precautionary MRI and a chest x Ray and ultimately a hysterectomy if the scans are clear.Can you give me some idea of the time frame this may take.The waiting is so stressful

  • Hi Kazzyb and thank you for your post.

    I’m sorry to read about your situation and appreciate how difficult it is waiting for further tests and the results.

    In the UK there are targets for maximum waiting times for cancer patients to start treatment. For example no more than 31 days wait between the decision the doctor agreed the treatment plan and the start of treatment.. We have more information about cancer waiting times on our website.

    Hospitals will do their best to meet waiting targets, however many are finding this difficult to achieve. This could be due to staff shortages and winter pressures.

    Waiting for results is seldom an easy situation to cope with.

    People often experience a whole range of emotions when waiting for results. We know that talking can often relieve some of the distress and anxiety. Every Mind Matters and Anxiety UK have useful tips and advice on how to cope in these situations.

     I hope this information helps


    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support. You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

     Kind regards
