Work capability

My 28 Yr old son just had an Occ health assessment, by a ' highly qualified' doctor, who told him that his chronic fatigue and insomnia were not related to paediatric Medullablastoma, 31 sessions of radio to brain and spine, then 8 courses of chemo. All radio sessions required a G.A,  as he was non-compliant, plus more for gastrectomy, and bike duct spent.

Following all this,  he had Scarlet fever, Pancreatitis, requiring a spent, then leading up to G.C.S.E's contracted Glandular Fever. 

In the last 3 years, Covid × 3, which wiped the floor with him.

Is the Dr wrong, or me? 

  • Hi there,

    What then, is the doctor saying is the cause of his insomnia and fatigue? To what ends is the occupational health assessment? Cancer is a protected characteristic (I think that's the term) for life so the Doctor needs to be very sure of his assessment if its going to affect his employment. 

    Best wishes

  • The Dr concluded that the insomnia was causing the chronic fatigue, but this has existed since the treatment of the brain tumour, and got worse after Glandular Fever, around 12 years ago.

    The insomnia started just 4 months ago, and medications are not making any difference. 

    This started on the night of having a brain MRI, and he had a reaction to the dye....

  • Hello and thank you for your enquiry,

    As nurses, unfortunately, we can't give you a second medical opinion on this. Some late effects can occur from previous treatments.

    However, there is also emerging evidence of long term effects of fatigue from having episodes of Covid.

    I am sorry that we cannot help you in more depth with this.

    Best wishes,
