Lump in breast help

I had an appointment around 6-8 months ago to check a lump in my breast. I had an ultrasound and was. Told it was fine. No other information whether there was something there but it was ok or nothing seen at all. I still have the lump. Same size but it has not gone away. I am worried as the only times in my life I have had lumps is during the week of my period but this is the same and always there. Should I get it checked again???

I am only 31 but my family history makes me worry and family members have all passed away early In life due to cancer on my and side. Oldest being 52. Please give me info thanks. 

  • Hi Mart,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am glad to hear that you have already had an ultrasound for this lump and that nothing untoward was detected. Not all lumps are cancerous. Of all the people who attend the breast clinic, only 20% will get a cancer diagnosis. The other 80% will have things like benign cysts, Fibroadenoma, or naturally lumpy breasts. Has this lump changed in size or shape in the past few months? If so, it may need to be re-checked. Have a word with your GP, explain that you are still worried, because of the family history and see if they are prepared to refer you back to the breast clinic. 

    Your GP will have had the results of your ultrasound too and may be able to tell you a little more about what was found. Don't be afraid to ask any questions you have. You may find it helpful to write some down in advance of your appointment. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hello Mart1234 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about the concerns about your lump in your breast and I can understand with a family history of breast cancer it can make you more aware of your own situation.

    Breast lumps in your 30's are very common and the large majority are benign (not cancer).

    Some women do have 'lumpy' breasts and this is just part of their anatomy. I think that it is reassuring that you were checked and all appeared to be well but as it is causing you concern and it does not appear to be going away then it would be a good idea to ask your GP if it can be re-checked.

    Breast cancer is common in older women but it may be a good idea as you say you have a history of breast cancer in the family to make a list of the people who have been affected and the ages that they were diagnosed. If there does seem to be a strong family history then your GP may consider referring you to a genetic clinic for more tests in the future.

    There are some different ways that you can reduce your risk of getting breast cancer.

    I hope that some of these links may be helpful.

    Do give us a ring if you want to talk things through.

    Our helpline number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the nurses are here Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
