Hi - had hysterectomy, mass removed and biopsy. Told 85% chance it's Ovarian Cancer. On average, how long will the results take?

Hi just joined the forum, I recently had an emergency admission to remove a Mass also a full hystorectomy before the operation I was told there was a 85% chance of it being Ovarian Cancer the biopsy was taken while under annastetic , previous to this they did a C.Tap told the fluid was infected Just wondering how long on average will I find out the results.? can only find around 10 days after to 3 weeks , Should I be worried about the fact it was 85% chance it was Ovarian Cancer .?

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I can appreciate that you have been through alot, and are keen to find out more about your situation moving forward.

    Yes, biopsy results can take several weeks to come back to your specialist. It is hard at this time, but important to try and keep an open mind, as it isn't possible to know yet what the results may suggest. Try and lean on to the support of friends and family at this time.

    I hope that you get to find out more soon.

    Best wishes,
