Pan Endoscopy - where do they take the biopsy from and how long will recovery take?

Thank you for your previous response to my question. 
I am just wondering where/how they actually took the biopsy from and how long it will take to heal? I still have a very sore place in my mouth back under my tongue but I thought the consultant said he was going to take the biopsy via the trachea . My mouth doesn’t feel raw like they have exactas anything from within my mouth but it is very sore and I cannot poke my tongue out as it’s is still sore   Can you advise the possible duration before everything settles down back to normal  I have barely earer Althing since the day before I went in for the biopsy not since  

haven’t lost any weight rather which suffering UAT I was hoping that I would .


thank you for reading  

regards Margaret L

  • Hi there Margaret L and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear you are undergoing some tests and the pain and discomfort you are experiencing.

    Unfortunately without being involved in your direct care we cannot say exactly where the biopsy was taken from, this is something the team looking after you will be able to tell you, so do ask when you next speak with them.

    It can take 3-5 days ( and in some cases longer) for things to settle in the mouth as the area that has been biopsied to start improving. The oral cavity is a very sensitive area as you will know and the pain and swelling can be particular heightened around this area, especially when trying to eat and drink and swallow.

    Do make sure you are taking pain relief to ease this if needed and trying to drink plenty of liquids and softer foods may also help.

    If you remain concerned or things don't improve in the next couple of days let the unit know so they can advise you further.

    I hope you know more about your situation soon and that everything works out okay for you.

    Take care
