Symptoms after Cervical Biopsy

Fresh blood traces after 3 weeks after cervical biopsy, is this normal?

  • It's best you bring this to the attention of your GP or oncologist. Always tell them of any new symptoms or issues. 

  • Hello Catherine_Rose and thanks for your post,

    For you own reassurance you could give the colposcopy clinic a ring particularly if the bleeding continues. Everyone's situation is different. Hopefully as it is only light spotting this should settle down soon.

    Have a read of the information written by the NHS on what to expect after a colposcopy.

    Do give the nurses a ring if you want to talk things through.

    Our helpline number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm

    All the best,
