Lower Back and Leg Pain


I'm currently on a break from treatment and ever since treatment stopped I've been suffering from constant lower back pain. The pain is like a dull ache that radiates down my hips, legs and feet. It feels like a cross between sciatica and restless legs. 

I exercise when I can and take ibroprofen to help ease it. However, the past week nothing seems to help with the pain. I find myself constantly fidgeting to get comfortable when I sit, I can only stand for a few minutes before I start to ache and the constant ache is starting to affect my mood.

Could you advise on any other over the counter medications that may help or is this something I would need to discuss with my team to maybe have a stronger pain killer?

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    Do speak with your doctor about reviewing what painkillers you are taking. They may suggest prescription only painkiller medication that will work better for you.

    You should perhaps also request a referral for a physiotherapy assessment, as some gentle stretching exercises and/or heat treatment may well help with your current symptoms.

    Try and review how you are sleeping, extra pillows between your legs can help with back pain. Using warm wheat bags/hot water bottle can help ease pain. Some people alternate with using a cold pack/warm for no more than 20 minutes at a time.

    I hope this reply helps,

    Best wishes,
