Hi, I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with 2nd pregnancy. My 1st pregnancy (2 years ago) was completely straightforward with no bleeding or issues.
Since the start of this pregnancy I have been having regular episodes of bleeding. Initially this was considered to be happening due to cervical erosion.
I've had cervical ectropion/erosion for years now, even before my 1st pregnancy and I've even had it treated a number of times.
But last week, after another bleed, the doctor has referred me for an urgent colposcopy. I am so so anxious about this.
I keep trying to find positives : my last smear was 2 years ago and was normal and since this pregnancy I've had numerous visual checks and doctors initially seemed sure it was ectropion by looking at my cervix.
But now I'm scared as I'm continuing to have discharge, bleeding and I'm going for a colposcopy!
I have myself convinced I have cervical cancer.
Is there any reliable information I can read about ectropion and pregnancy and "normal" bleeding (I feel I'm bleeding more than I should with ectropion) but this might not be the case ?
Kind regards