Appointment on Thursday coming


On Thursday, I was referred to ENT regarding suspected throat cancer.

Is it common for this type of referral for minor signs?  Fast track, would a GP refer because of low chance?

I need to get some questions ready and was wondering if you could help.

 All vitals/bloods are normal. No infection.

I've had a hard lymph node for some time (Dec 2023). To start with, it felt like a tiny hard stone (half pea size).

Now it is 2.5 cm.


I had mentioned it to dr/nurse each time I went in for something else. Was reassured it was probably an infection and not to worry.

Now, I am concerned that it has grown a lot since then. 

Would I just be referred because of the size of it? Nothing to worry about?

I was surprised about the referral, so didn't think of asking anything. I wasn't particularly worried. Typically, the next day after the initial surprise, started to worry more.


Some symptoms:

Swallowing food feels like it would when you take too big a mouthful - sore and several swallows and can feel like choking, but slowly and food does go down.

Drinking water or something, I swallow, and some of the water doesn't go down straightaway - it feels a bit like drowning, maybe.

Constantly clearing my throat.

I also get times when I try to swallow, and nothing happens.

Those are the main symptoms, I have fatigue, but not constant.

Ear/headache regularly (have to lie in a dark quiet room), not all the time.

To be honest, I didn't really think about it - just odd rather than painful swallowing.

That's it really.

Is it more likely to be nothing, just a routine referral?

Seems like forever and it's only next Thursday.

Thank you

  • Meant to ask - would they know straight away, or would further tests be needed. Hoping just clear with no other action, straightaway

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    We can never say what's the cause of anyone's symptoms as there can be a number of possible medical explanations. But I can appreciate why you're feeling anxious especially since the referral came as a surprise.

    An urgent referral doesn't always mean a cancer diagnosis. In fact, the majority of people who are referred urgently do not have cancer. It just means that the doctors wants to be thorough and not delay anything if further tests are needed.

    I'm not exactly sure what they will do when you go the ENT appointment but is very likely that they will take a full history and do a physical examination. 

    Depending on the assessment the doctor may order further tests and ask to see you again when the results are available. It may take a couple of weeks to get other tests organised. I don't think that it is common to get everything sorted in one visit. If they suggest a biopsy, it can take a couple of weeks to get the results.

    You might find that the doctor is able to give you an opinion of what they think is the matter on the day, and there may be no need for further tests. But if they are unsure you may find that they are reluctant to say much at this first appointment. Please do not assume the worst if the doctor asks for more tests. This is quite common and it does not always mean that anything serious is wrong.

    The following questions may be helpful to ask:

    What are the possible causes of my lump and other symptoms?

    What tests do you need to do to investigate this?

    How long will it take to get results if further tests are needed?

    If I need tests, if they comeback normal, what happens next?

    I hope you know more soon and everything turns out to be okay. Give us a ring if you would like to talk anything over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Thank you so much.

    have managed to curb the worry by sewing a dress - when I can stay awake!

    appointment at 3 tomorrow. - hopefully will keep calm.

    Thanks for questions to ask

  • I had a borderline malignancy on my ovary 11 years ago.

    It was found by accident when I was pregnant.

    All reproductive ‘bits’ removed since.

    Its probably why I was worrying so much.