CA125 blood test

Hi everyone im 55 postmenospause, I was recently changed to HRT patches, I had a bleed in the December none since. I told the dr, she done a physical exam & checked my womb etc. my smears have always came back clear. She was happy enough but only I had a bleed she sent me for a ultrasound which came back with thicking.. all I was told it's thick come in for bloods. I went to the drs yesterday for the ca125 and looked it up and totally scared myself and so worried if they come back high. I'm waiting to see gynaecologist. Has this happened to anyone else??

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear you have experienced some bleeding and appreciate undergoing tests can be worrying.

    try and sit tight for now. It isn't unusual for women switching to HRT patches to experience some bleeding and a thickening of the uterine lining. The ca125 measures inflammation in the pelvic region that helps the doctor to assess a persons risk of something more sinister going on. However even if the ca125 comes back high it doesn't definitely mean cancer.

    As I say try not to over think things for now. It is important that the doctor carries out further tests just to make sure nothing more sinister is going on, although in many cases there won't be.

    I hope you know more soon and that everything turns out okay for you.

    Best wishes


  • Thank you for the reply. My womb thicking is 6.2mm I went into the drs