Failed hysterescopy Advice

Good evening..

I am hoping for some advice and would really appreciate it, I tried to have a hysteroscopy today but it failed due to the nurse telling me she could not get to my upper cervix due to tightness. 

She told me I have to go back for another procedure which involves more pain killers and possibly smaller tools as she was not trained to use those tools.

I am worried as I had an injection in my cervix which was bearable but painful and have had period pain like symptoms since, so I feel the actual next procedure may be awful.

I  aware it needs to be done, but could anyone give me any information as to what to expect next.

Thank you for all your support...


  • Hi Marie and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear that you have had such an uncomfortable time.

    It is difficult to give an opinion about what procedure they are planning next without being involved in your care.

    If you are able to contact the clinic to see if you can speak to the nurse so you know what she is thinking that might be helpful. I am not sure whether they would consider giving you a general anaesthetic or some gas and air or an injection to make you relax. The NHS have written some information about this procedure.

    It maybe with some smaller instruments this may also make it less uncomfortable. As they are now aware of how difficult it all was for you I am sure they will do their best to make it easier for you to tolerate.

    I do hope that next time it is a better experience for you.

    If you would like to ring and chat this through with one of the nurses then you are welcome to do so.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,


  • Thank you so much Catherine, your advice is much appreciated 


  • Hi after having this procedure myself I would ask for a General Anaesthetic if I had to have it again now that I know what it involves the good thing about having it done whilst awake is that you would get it done quicker ,they told me there was a waiting list for G/A so I just went for it there and then ,the good thing afterwards was they were able to tell me everything looked fine although they did take biopsies which I had to wait for results for but it was all ok in the end .

  • Thanks Jenny  ye think I would rather be awake  but they said it would be at hospital for 3 hours this time as they will give me pain killers, dont like being put to sleep to be honest, will be glad when it's done, the thickness of my womb is 4.5 mm if it's over 4 then the camera is the procedure 

  • Well I hope all goes well and as as pain free as possible ..