Early squamous cell carcinoma and CIN3 shock!

Hi, very recently found I had abnormal cells from a pinch biopsy then went for a colonoscopy appointment and had 12mm cube removed. Subsequently got the dreaded call to inform me it’s cancer! They’ve said they’re pretty sure it’s all been removed and was contained in the biopsy however after the MDT meeting I’ve been asked to have a 2nd LEEP to be sure. Is this normal practice? 

Also on a non medical question I been asked for “proof” from work effectively and I have a letter saying “Early squamous cell carcinoma and CIN3” surely that will be enough!? 

Thank you so much and the work you do

  • Hello Nelly1909 and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn that you were found to have cancer cells after your colposcopy, I imagine this has been a shock for you.

    The best people to confirm why another LEEP is needed will be your team at the hospital. However, it sounds like they may want to do a repeat LEEP to make sure they also have a clear area (margin) around where the cells were, to check no cancer cells have been left behind.

    I hope this helps, if you would like to talk things through with one of the nurses on the helpline, you would be welcome to give us a call. The freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and we are available between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

    The letter you have explaining your situation should be enough information for your employer, but do check with them, and if further information is needed your doctor should be able to give them this.

    Take care,
