Too ill for hospice?

My Mum has womb cancer, told on Xmas Eve she's being put on palliative care, there's nothing more they can do.

Last week she lost the use of her legs, bladder and bowel and got admitted to hospital. She has a super infection in her colon, low BP, blood sugar, electrolytes. She's hasn't eaten for 4 weeks, she feels like she's going to vomit whenever she tries. She's doubly incontinent, and unable to dress, stand, move.

She's been assessed by gastro & SALT, there's nothing wrong with her throat. She's in a lot of pain, currently managed with morphine patches. She has a DNR in place.

The hospital ward is an Acute Medical ward, and just awful - last Friday she waited 2 hours to be cleaned after she opened her bowels.

Today the consultant has said they won't send her for hospice care until they've got the infection under control, and I'm fuming, I just don't understand why? She appears t have days at most left and is being left with no dignity, on a busy ward, with visiting hours only 11-8.

Can we appeal this decision? We want her to be comfortable, cared for, and pain free. Is this too much to ask?

  • Hi giggly and thank you for your post.

    Thank you for your enquiry. I'm sorry to read about your mum’s situation. This must be an incredibly difficult time for you and all the family.

    It is very hard for us to give a medical opinion on Mum's care. However, it is important that the nurses looking after Mum understand your concerns.

    Many hospitals have dedicated palliative care teams. If the hospital where your mum is currently located has one, she could be referred to them for advice if she hasn't already. Maybe you could speak to her hospital team and request a referral.

    The palliative care team can work alongside the acute medical team, offer symptom control advice, and also offer you and all the family some support. Also, when and if appropriate, this team can help arrange for your mum to be transferred to a local hospice.

    If you feel that talking to the team on the ward isn't helpful you may be able to call and contact the palliative care team through the switchboard to inform them of the situation and seek their advice.

    There are Maggies and Macmillan Centres in most big hospitals; they provide emotional support to people affected by cancer, so see if they are in mums.

    If you still feel unhappy about your mum’s care then it may be helpful to contact the hospital's Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) 

    This is an incredibly difficult time for you and your family, I hope this information helps.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support. You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards
