my dad was diagnosed with with bladder cancer early 2024. He had 8 weeks of radiotherapy and chemo in June, finishing at the end of July 24.
before this, he was rushed to hospital in jan 2021 with blood clots in his lungs, and just after this he had a couple of heart attacks. He also has alot of problems with pain in his feet, has always had a low appetite, smokes like a train (has slowed slightly since all of this) and has always been quite quiet.
however, he has been extremely low lately, wont eat anything other than chicken noodle soup because he says he feels bloated, is having B12/iron injections/tablets & sleeps most of the day and is starting to look worse than he did last year.
we dont seem to get any answers about anything and its really frustrating. He will be 77 in May, so I’m no fool in thinking he will live a long life after this, but we are all in limbo.
he went for a scan last night on his bladder and is due to go for another appointment today (camera). Are we likely to get any answers soon? And what would be the likely route if it isnt good news? He is so frail i dont know how much more he has got in him.