Hey everyone,
I found a lump on Thursday night, whilst laying down on my side. It was quite “big” and hard, I did the worst thing possible and googled haha, but naturally as soon as you feel any sort of lump you think cancer straight away! I was due on my period at the time, so I thought maybe it could be linked with that? Anyhow, I’ve been self examining myself for a few days now, I’ve made it quite sore, I've noticed that it has shrunk and I can only feel it in certain positions, for example when I’m laying on my side I can feel it but if I’m standing up, I can hardly feeling it? I think I’ve made myself so paranoid to the fact that i think it’s just cancer. I was scared to book an appointment because I just didn’t want to face reality. I’ve now booked an appointment and I’m hoping, well praying it’s nothing sinister!
i lost my dad to cancer so I’m just so frightened.