Found a lump, right breast.

Hey everyone, 

I found a lump on Thursday night, whilst laying down on my side. It was quite “big” and hard, I did the worst thing possible and googled haha, but naturally as soon as you feel any sort of lump you think cancer straight away! I was due on my period at the time, so I thought maybe it could be linked with that? Anyhow, I’ve been self examining myself for a few days now, I’ve made it quite sore, I've noticed that it has shrunk and I can only feel it in certain positions, for example when I’m laying on my side I can feel it but if I’m standing up, I can hardly feeling it? I think I’ve made myself so paranoid to the fact that i think it’s just cancer. I was scared to book an appointment because I just didn’t want to face reality. I’ve now booked an appointment and I’m hoping, well praying it’s nothing sinister! 

i lost my dad to cancer so I’m just so frightened. 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your dad and I can understand that it can make you more aware of your own health.

    Breast lumps are very common and most of the time they are benign (not cancer). It is always a good idea to have it checked by your GP. I am sure that if they felt that you needed further investigations they would refer you to a breast clinic.

    Most women referred to a breast clinic do not have cancer but if the GP is in any doubt they usually refer.

    The lump may also be linked to your period so your GP may suggest that you come back after a month to see if the lump has gone away. Try not to irritate the lump by checking it so regularly as it will only become uncomfortable for you.

    You may find it helpful to read the information about benign breast conditions

    I would also stay away from the internet as this often causes more harm with often misleading information.

    If you would like to ring and chat through any of this with one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to give us a ring.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
