Bcc on nose


Please could I have some advice. I had surgery for a BCC on my nose.  After 5 weeks they called me back and said the cancer had been deeper than they thought it would be.  I have less than 1mm clear and was given 3 options.

1.  Do nothing and wait to see if it returns in future, if so the operation will be worse and in the cartilage.

2. Have another operation to open flap and scrape some cartilage.

3. Radiotherapy. (not recommended by Consultant as it alters skin)

I do not know which to choose, thinking of option 2 but the original operation was agony having the 5 injections to numb the nose and caused a lot of trauma.  

Please could you give me some advice on this.


  • Hi there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear that the surgery you had to remove a bcc wasn't as successful as hoped and that you know need to make a decision about what to do next.

    Making decisions about treatment is never easy and unfortunately it is only you who can decide, no one here I'm afraid can tell you what to do.

    It sounds like you are leaning towards option 2, so I would suggest asking for a further conversation with the specialist doctor or nurse to discuss this further. Express your concerns about the previous surgery being painful and this a reason you are undecided as to whether to go ahead with another operation. They may be able to explain things in greater detail and may be able to put things in place to minimise any discomfort.

    I am also wondering if you have friends or family member you can also discuss this through with just to help you make the right choice for you.

    Please get back in touch if you have further questions or if you prefer do give us a call on 0808 800 4040, we're here weekdays 9-5.

    All the best
