Mum diagnosed with brain tumour


Our mum has been diagnosed with a brain tumour.. She had a fall and this is how it was discovered. She has been told she has 3-6 months left with us. We are already around 6 weeks into this period. 

I would like to know if anyone could advise me regarding the steroid process. When she left the hospital she was on a high dose. This gave us back our mum though we were told it would be for a short period of time as they would need to reduce the dose. Today she has gone down to 8mg we have seen a decline each time it has been reduced. She feels weaker and the symptoms she was experiencing at the begging are slowly starting to return.

i understand that the longer she is on a higher dose it created more space for the tumour to grow.

My question been will the dose be reduced and reduced until she can no longer function or will they up them if she needs them? 

thank you in advance x

  • Hello Mrsmac2006, and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn of your mum's situation, this must be a difficult time for you all.

    Not being involved in your mum's care we cannot say whether she will stop taking steroids altogether of if they will be increased again to manage her symptoms. Only her medical team who knows her situation will be able to tell you this.

    Generally, steroids are only given short term because they can have side effects, for example, diabetes or they can make some people feel anxious and agitated. However, if a person is only expected to live for a short time and the steroids are helping symptoms, then they may be prescribed for longer. Each person's situation will be individual.

    I don't know if it is possible with your mum's permission for you to speak with her nurse specialist (if she has one ) or her consultant as they know her situation.

    You can read more about steroids and brain tumours on The Brain Tumour Charity website and there is also information about controlling the symptoms of brain tumours on our website which I hope will be helpful.

    If you would like to talk things through with one of our nurses on the helpline, we are available between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday and the freephone number to call is 0808 808 4040.

    Take care,


  • Thank you for your reply x we have a palliative nurse and a district nurse coming on Thursday so I am trying to compile a list of questions x she is adamant she wants to stay at home so we are looking of ways to make this work.. we all work Monday to Friday but we have been told if we don’t get a social worker involved when mum is nearing the end no one will help us.. do you know if this is true?

    Thank you again for taking your time to answer xx

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I am sorry to hear of your situation and can appreciate that it is a difficult time for you all.

    The palliative care team can advise on how to proceed with this, as they will have experience in this area. If someone remains at home, they will need a care package arranged. This is done through the local social services. Details about referrals can be found under Adult Care needs section on the council's website. Carers can be arranged up to 4 times a day to visit and provide care. But usually overnight cover is not possible.

    Macmillan Cancer Support have information on care and support for people who have advanced cancer. They also have practical tips

    I hope that this helps,

    Kind regards,
