Swollen Lymph Nodes in Armpit(s)


I am wondering if I’m being paranoid but I keep getting swollen lymph nodes in my armpits, it’s been constant since December maybe before then. They swell on each armpit every week continuously sometimes both armpits at the same time. I have went to the GP, they gave me a round of antibiotics, i finished the antibiotics last week but I still have them and nothing has changed. The nurse also took my blood and it came back okay, should I phone the doctors again and tell them or am I wasting there time if my bloods are okay? 

  • Hi there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about the lumps you are noticing in your armpits that are worrying you.

    There can be many reasons for lymph nodes to be swollen. The most common is a recent or past infection and these often reduce in size overtime.

    As you have finished your course of antibiotics and you can't notice a change it is worth speaking with your GP again. They are in the best position to examine you and refer you for more tests if they think necessary.

    It is reassuring the blood tests came back normal but as you remain concerned do arrange an appointment with your Gp when you can.

    Take care


  • Thank you for your message. I phoned the GP this morning.

    I woke up with a pretty sore swollen lymph node in my left armpit and a swollen one on my right today, not so sore and smaller. He has advised me that he will contact the hospital for an urgent ultrasound which can still take between 2/3 weeks. Hopefully it’ll be sooner rather than later. 

  • Offline in reply to PMc88

    Hi I am am currently having the same problem only it’s the right underarm and I am on antibiotics but feels a bit uncomfortable around that area is that normal as this is my first time having it and it’s making me worry 

  • Offline in reply to PMc88

    Same her only it’s my first time having it swollen and on the right side I have antibiotics but worrying that they haven’t took it serious enough was in and out in less than 10 mins 

  • Offline in reply to PMc88

    A 2/3 week wait for urgent no wonder we worry so much 

  • Offline in reply to scotty61

    hello, Ive had swollen lymph nodes before but they have never lasted any length of time, like a day or two and it’s apparently a way of showing your body you have an infection. Hopefully your antibiotics work there magic and solve the problem :) 

    I was apprehensive about even going to the docs for swollen lymph nodes but I phoned and she reassured me that I’m not wasting anyone’s time and that it’s always best to get things checked so she made me feel better for phoning. So I went to the docs and they took my bloods and gave me the round of antibiotics but I’ve had constant swollen lymph nodes for 2 months. 

    if you still have them after the antibiotics are done then phone them again and let them know. Thats what I did. Mines aren’t as bad today but I still have them in both armpits. Xx

  • Offline in reply to scotty61

    Oh I know, I’m hoping I’ll get a letter by the end of the week that gives me a date at the very least. 

  • Offline in reply to PMc88

    Thanks makes me feel a wee bit better