Chemotherapy Dozetaxel

Can anyone help in what the side effects might be, as I am a Type 1 Diabetic 55years, and when I had Capox as my first treatment on chemotherapy, it affected my feet badly and I had to be on antibiotics and a reduced dosage of 80%, will or is the use of Dozetaxel going to be the same?

  • Hi there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about your situation and the side effects you experienced whilst on capox.

    We have some more information about docetaxel on our website, so do take a look.

    It can be daunting reading a long list of possible side effects but most people won't experience all of these and many side effects can be managed.

    Unfortunately no one can say how anyone will be on treatment until they have it. I can only assume that the doctor treating you thinks this may suit you better and that is why they are switching you to a different chemo.

    Do speak with your doctor or specialist nurse about any concerns you have about treatment so they can hopefully put your mind at ease.

    I hope you are able to tolerate this new treatment much better.

    Please get back if you have further questions or if you prefer to give us a call our number is 0808 800 4040 and we're here weekdays 9-5.

    Best wishes


  • Many thanks i will look at the article