What is the black scab like lump on my right breast

I have had an ultra sound and no body really knows what it is, I got given antibiotics which didn’t do anything as my consultant thought it was an infection as it started out as a hard pea shaped lump on my areola right next to my nipple, the lady who carried out my 2nd scan tried to “drain” it but there was nothing in there so she wasn’t convinced it was an infection. My consultant has booked me in to have a biopsy, but there is a black scab like appear on my nipple now. Obviously I’m extremely worried, I’m 37 years old 

  • Hello Sgh06.  Unfortunately, no-one on here can tell you what this scab is, however, please bear in mind that it could be many things.  Naturally our minds automatically jump to the word 'cancer' when we see something like this on our bodies, but very often, there is nothing to worry about.   Many years ago my Dad had a black scab on his stomach and he thought it was cancer, and it turned out to be a mole that had become infected.  The doctors removed it and he was absolutely fine afterwards.  I hope this has eased your mind a little bit.  Good luck.      

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your situation, I appreciate this is a worrying time for you.

    For now you need to sit tight and wait and see what the biopsy shows. This is the only way you are going to find out what may be going on and what needs to happen next.

    I understand that waiting and not knowing can be very unsettling but for now there is no way of finding out what this is being caused by, i'm afraid.

    I hope everything turns out okay for you and that you have some more information about this very soon.

    Take care


  • I went and had my ultra sound scan, biopsy and also mammogram. The consultant has basically told me to prepare myself for bad news. I have also been given a breast cancer nurse. 

  • Hi there again and thanks for updating us about your situation.

    I am sorry that things aren't looking good from the doctors who saw you perspective. Try however not to let your imagination run away with you and wait and see what the results show.

    Even if this does turn out to be cancer, the team involved in your care will be wanting to give you the best possible treatment to give a good outcome. So do take things one step at a time for now.

    This is bound to be an anxious time for you, so I do hope you have friends and family to support you through this.

    Avoid googling or searching things up on the internet until you know exactly what you are dealing with, as you don't want to be looking at the wrong information.

    Some people find keeping themselves busy and their mind on other things to distract their thoughts can also help whilst waiting.

    I hope you know more soon and that you will be okay.

    Do get back if needed or if you prefer give us a call on 0808 800 4040, we're here weekdays 9-5.

    Take care
