breast cancer

my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and had the tumour removed, she then completed her course of radiation and was told she got the all clear.

Weeks After her radiation she started to struggle with pain and swelling of the breast area and kept getting `infections` which caused hospital admissions. My mum went back to her conultant five times before she was admitted and was saying something was not right however she was told this was part of the side effects from the radiation.

After multiple of times being seen she was then told she would have to have a mastectomy as this would not improve. This was upsetting for my mum after going through her radiotherapy she thought she was getting there.

Mum has now had the mastectomy and is now suffering with problems since her surgery and the wound area does not appear to be healing even after multiple of hospital visits and checks weekly and dressing changes. 

is this common? 

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your mum's situation and all she is going through at the moment. This must be a difficult time for you both.

    It can be both upsetting and unsettling when treatment doesn't go to plan and it sounds like this is what has happened to your mum.

    Unfortunately there are risks and possible side effects with every treatment. Some people can end up in a situation as your mum has with a stubborn infection, followed by a delay to the surgical wound healing and I appreciated how frustrating this can be.

    Do make sure your mum lets her specialist team know about any symptoms she is experiencing. In terms of wound healing there are things they can do to manage this if needed so do talk this through with them.

    I hope your mum starts to feel better very soon and doesn't face any more challenges along the way.

    Do get back in touch if needed or feel free to call us on 0808 800 4040 weekdays 9-5, if you prefer.

    Best wishes
