Roughly how long!!

My daughter is 53 she has been diagnosed with rare small cell aggressive cervical and ovary cancer which is in her liver, spleen and lymph nodes. The cancer is very aggressive and the dr said she has about 12 months to live. But I doubt it as she’s getting a lot of pain wheryher 8cm mass is in her cervix, and is always weak & tired, Will you be honest please and give me a rough idea of her life expectancy, or if you think it’s less than 12 months with the inflammation I have given you, Thankyou x

  • Hello 1511Jean.  I am so sorry to hear about your daughter.  It is very difficult to give a rough idea of life expectancy because cancer is such a hugely unpredictable disease.  For example, just over 2 years ago, my Oncologist gave me a year to live, but I am still here.  However, these past few weeks I have noticed that I am feeling exhausted and I am sleeping more than I used to.  I have also started to eat less food, and like your daughter, I have started experiencing pain.  Deep in my heart, I know that I have perhaps a few months at most........maybe just a few weeks. I am so very sorry, and please forgive me if I have been too honest with you, but from reading your post, I think that you want honesty more than sugar-coating..............once again, so very sorry for what you and your daughter are going through.    

  • Hello there and thank you for posting here

    I am so sorry to hear about your daughter, this sounds like a very upsetting time for your family.

    Unfortunately no one here can say how long your daughter may have and the doctors and nurses involved in her care are in the best position to comment about this.

    If you feel her condition is deteriorating it is important to let her team know so they can assess her. They will also be wanting to ease any symptoms she has, so if the pain relief medication isn't helping they can adjust this to make her more comfortable.

    As I say do speak to your daughters team about any worries you have about her and what may happen next.

    Do get back if you have more questions or you are welcome to call us on 0808 800 4040 weekdays 9-5 if you prefer.

    Take care
