
HiCR,1 month since extensive throat Surgery to remove Tumour which was successful however tooth removal was necessary and swelling still going down so don’t know how many teeth I have to play with as Surgeon’s cut tongue and face and neck still numb and improving daily.

Q.Is it possible to eat in a normal way with Dentures in the future?

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your recent surgery and that you are still recovering.

    Try and take things day by day for now and be kind to yourself, it takes time to recover from this type of surgery and it is very much about baby steps.

    If you need to have some restorative dental treatment or if dentures are required moving forward I am sure this can be arranged for you. Whilst it can take some adjusting to get used to dentures, most people go on to be able to eat and drink normally with dentures no problems at all.

    I hope this helps but do get back in touch if you have further questions.

    All the best to you

    Take care
