
Hiya, I recently started sharp stabbing pain on my left nipple, and when I press it down, it hurt, but the pain is come and go. Sometime the pain can be at the side, no lump. See the GP, told me not cancer, but referred to breast clinic. However, read the letter of referral, GP said urgent referral suspected breast cancer.  I’m now very concerned! I seen GP claimed my nipples are inverted, but I can’t see them are, GP stated leaking in my nipples, but I can’t see them either.   Very worry now 

  • Hi Jackie,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that your letter of referral has scared you so much. If a doctor suspected that there was cancer present, they would say so - they don't mince their words nowadays. It is reassuring that your GP doesn't feel that there is any cancer present. It sounds as if your doctor is just playing safe and sending you for a second opinion. This will be more for your peace of mind than anything else.

    Of all the referrals to the breast clinic, only 20% turn out to be cancerous. The other 80% often turn out to be benign cysts, Fibroadenoma, or due to naturally lumpy breasts. Nearly all referrals to the Breast Clinic, tend to be referred under the 2 week "urgent suspected breast cancer" pathway. I know that this can be very scary when you see it, but this is just the normal referral protocol. 

    Your appointment will usually come through in 2 weeks from the date of referral. I sincerely hope that nothing untoward is found. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Good morning Jolsmine, thanks for your reply. I have a phone call appointment booked in two weeks with the breast clinics. I thought this should be scan? 

  • Hello Jackie, and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry you have these concerns about a breast referral.

    It isn't unusual for anyone with problems in their breast to be referred on this urgent pathway to a clinic. How that clinic is set up is different in each area, but it may be that you get a phone call first so that they can triage the referral and then a plan from there.

    I am afraid I am unable to comment on what the doctor wrote in the referral but hopefully, at your phone call with the hospital team, you will be able to give them a history of exactly what you have noticed.

    Take care, and I hope this gets sorted for you soon.


  • Hi Sarah, thanks for your reply. The hospital has never contacted with me about my appointment, but I saw it yesterday from my NHS App. But I have just logged on the App, that hospital phone appointment has gone, no longer showing under my hospital appointment. I have no idea what has going on now. 
    I knew few weeks ago, when my husband has a with the hospital, they had texted him and has the hospital appointment booking showing in his NHS App. Hospital has not contacted me yet, I just saw from my App yesterday, but no longer there today. Not sure whether a mistake or not. I will keep my eyes out then.