Kidney removal recovery

I am 76 yrs old .14 weeks ago I had a kidney,spleen and adrenal gland removed due to cancer in the kidney . I still feel weak and tired and in a little bit of pain.I have the odd twinge of stinging pain but it’s mainly a tightening feeling in my abdomen and a strange feeling of weight inside.Are these feelings normal and how long can I expect it to go on.Many thanks

  • Hello and thanks for your enquiry,

    I am sorry to hear you are experiencing discomfort after your surgery. It can take up to 6 months or more to recover from that surgery. It does take longer, the older you are.

    Stinging pain can still be due to the superficial nerve endings that have been affected by the surgery. Again this takes time to settle. Do take painkillers before doing any strenous or prolonged daily activities. Consult with your GP, as they may suggest a short course of anti inflammatories such as Brufen, to calm it down a bit. It is better that they know what you are taking painkiller wise. Try and use a pillow to support that side at night. Also ask your GP to do a blood test to check your levels of vitamin D and vitamin B as these can drop sometimes after surgery. Your GP may also check that you are not anaemic, (low red blood cells). As any of these will cause tiredness weakness and/ or fatigue. You can start taking a daily general multivitamin to see if this helps. If you decide that you might like your vitamin levels checked by your GP, then obviously wait until after the blood tests. Try and increase your daily intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. Even tinned soup can help boost vitamin intake.

    You may need to do more daily gentle stretching exercises around your surgery area, to reduce any muscle spasm and increase your core muscle tone which will help reduce pain. Try and sit upright and maintain good posture during the day. Daily exercise such as gentle walking can help. Consider asking your GP about a physiotherapy referral for advice. Some people do consult a private physiotherapist themselves, as there can be a bit of a wait to see an NHS physiotherapist.

    I hope that this reply helps,

    Kind regards,
