Skin cancer inside nostril

Hello I have been referred by my GP to the hospital as he suspects I have skin cancer inside my nose (inside nostril) which is not melanoma. 
please can you advise what the treatment would be due to the delicate area and would this affect my appearance / damage my nose? 
thankyou for any advice 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    We have information on our website about treatments for nasal cancer .Treatment can involve microsurgery to remove it, or the use of localised radiotherapy treatment.

    Treatments will be based on the extent (size) of the cancer and the cancer cell type, and where it is in the nose. So we can't really give you very specific information.

    Hopefully your hospital team can explain it in more detail for you soon.

    Best wishes,


  • Hello i was told it was skin cancer is this different to nasal cancer? 

  • Hello Sarah-Lauren and thank you for your further post.

    Cancers inside the nose are nasal cancers which would be described as head and neck cancer. These are rare and the most common type is known as squamous cell cancer. Cancers are named after the cells that they develop in. Squamous cells are the flat skin-like cells that cover the lining of the nose, mouth, voice box, thyroid, and throat.

    It is possible to have a type of squamous cell skin cancer. However, non-melanoma skin cancers such as squamous cell and basal cell skin cancers mostly occur in areas that are exposed to the sun, so the nostril would be an unusual place to develop skin cancer.

    Your GP would be the best person to clarify what your situation is, and hopefully, you will not have to wait too long before you are seen at the hospital. It will be the team at the hospital you are referred to who will confirm, whether or not it is cancer, if it is cancer what type and treatment. As Vanda has mentioned treatment will depend on many things and the position of the cancer.

    I hope this helps in some way,
