CA125 of 171


I have been having some symptoms the last few months, and a on going infection that hasn’t gone away since December. I had a ct scan and an ultrasound scan which said my ovaries cannot be seen on them. I had a CA125 blood test and it came back abdominal of 171 and I am on the cancer 2 week wait. I have an  ultrasound scan tomorrow. I am really anxious and I have a bad feeling it’s something sinister. Thank you any advice is greatly appreciated.

  • Hi vix, 5 years ago i had very heavy periods and other issues .. ca125 was done my result's were in the 400 plus. 2 week referral to gynaecologist and given an ultrasound and lining of wimb was 19 mm  merina coil was fitted and lining reduced .. ca125 was done again and it had went down. Then i got a Hysteroscopy. All was well. Hopefully yours is aswell

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry you have some ongoing health concerns.

    It sounds as if your GP has taken your symptoms seriously as he arranged for you to have a CT and an ultrasound scan.

    The CA125 is a protein found in blood. If the level is raised, this indicates that there is some sort of inflammation in the pelvic area. But it cannot tell the doctor exactly what is causing the inflammation. So it is not specific for ovarian cancer. Other conditions can cause this level to rise such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, being on your period ,and fibroids. 

    It may help to say that ovarian cancer is more commonly found in women over 50. It would be very rare in someone of your young age.

    I imagine that being referred on the urgent two week pathway can feel a bit scary. But it's important to remember that this doesn't mean something is definitely wrong. It's just to make sure, as quickly as possible that everything is okay or, if needed, to get you the right care early.

    The majority of people who are referred urgently do not turn out to have cancer.

    I'm afraid until you are seen at the hospital and have further tests if needed, no one can really say what the matter might be. It's often a process of elimination to find out the cause of someone's symptoms.

    I hope you know more about your situation soon. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support. You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi,

    Thank you for getting back to me, this helps. I hope you are well now.

  • Thank you for your reply. I had my scan done today and they saw a mass thingy on my pelvis so I’ll need an MRI scan and more tests done. I am trying to be positive with it all. I have a family history of cancer. I don’t think it is cancer, but the more tests I have the more anxious I am getting. Hopefully by the end of next week I will know what is up. Thanks again x

  • Hi,

    somewhat of an update. I saw my consultant, he says I have a cyst that is 7cm on my ovary, i am having an MRI on Sunday to get a better picture of what’s going on. I had another Tumour marker blood test. I am also getting discussed in an MDT. What does this mean? Any info helps thank you.

  • Hello Vix, and thank you for coming back to us.

    Good to hear that the doctors have spotted an ovarian cyst which is very common and not cancer.

    They will now just get a better look at its measurements and features with the MRI and discuss your case as they do all people with cysts. It may be that they monitor you or they may talk about removing it.

    You mentioned in a previous post that you have worried about this as cancer is in your family. I thought you might be interested to read our pages on inherited risk. People often think cancer is in their family, when in fact this is not common.

    Take care and hopefully, this will all get sorted for you soon.
