Could I still potentially have Cancer? Concerned single mum

This is a bit of a long and windy one. So I started off with some mucus for a week or two before the blood came in early Nov last year. I then caught a norovirus which left me firing several times an hour 24/7 with horrendous stomach pain for weeks. I was in agony and couldn't do anyrhing. I had had a couple of stool samples taken before catching norovirus where my FIT levels were 200 and my calprotectin levels were 1670. I went for a colonoscopy on the 2nd Dec and they couldn't proceed due to the inflammation. They did take biopsies which I still haven't recieved results for. I finally have an IBD appointment for the 20th Feb but no contact regarding another colonoscopy even though the doctor has sent a letter 2 weeks ago when I chased. I have had to repeat the samples for the IBD appointment and my FIT levels ar apparently at 6 but still awating results for the other. I have had a small amount of mucus after the 2nd samples were taken. Definitely still tired, bloated with some stomach discomfort and looser stools (not diarrhoea) I don't have an inflammatory diet, no sugar, little bread so don't understand how this could have occured.

My concern now is that with my FIT levels below the threshold I am unlikely to get a colonoscopy anytime soon. I am really concerned as my mums close friend has just lost her daughter to bowel cancer at 39 having complained for years of issues and was not given a full colonoscopy that would have saved her life. As a single mum to a 14month little girl I am very worried so would appreciate any info as to my situation.

Many thanks in advance!

  • Hello Spoonface and thanks for your post,

    I suggest that you go and talk this through with your GP. You are still awaiting the biopsy results and maybe they could chase these up and you also mention that you have an IBD appointment on the 20th of February where hopefully you will have a chance to discuss your concerns.

    Crohns and Colitis UK charity have some useful information about how to make the most of your appointment which you might find helpful to look at.

    I can understand that when you know someone young who has had bowel cancer it makes you more aware of your own situation but it is still relatively uncommon so try not to over think it for now.

    I hope this helps.

    Do give us a ring if you would like to talk things through with one of the helpline nurses. Our Freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,


  • Hi Catherine,

    Thanks for your response. The doctors have just said the results are not back yet so I rung the hospital myself and the results are not back yet now 8½ weeks later. I did call the doctors this morning but they weren't overly helpful. I guess I will just have to wait until my appointment.

    Thank you for the information I have read through it. The biopsy results would be really useful as it would tell me if I had crohns or colitis so until then also will be living with anxiety..