Anti sickness meds

Hi my husband has Polycythemia vera  and is now on the upgraded Interferon and venasection and blood thinners..he feels sick nearly every morning..takes an antisickness tablet and then it knocks him our for the day...

Was wondering if he took one before he went to bed which is usually about 1 am would it kick in and help and not make him sleep all day ????

Thanks for your help.

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your husband's sickness. I am not sure what tablet your husband is taking that knocks him out for the day but I would encourage your husband to talk to his doctors to see if his medication needs to be adjusted. It may be that he can take a different medication in the morning if it is making him so tired.

    Always encourage your husband to let his team know about any side effects. His doctors have all his medical history and know what drugs he is taking.

    I do hope that this helps and his symptoms improve. Sometimes it can take a while to get the correct medication to control any symptoms.

    All the best,
