Stabbing pains

Hi, I had a single mastectomy 11 Jan 2024 and recently I have been experiencing the occasional episode of stabbing pain on the side of surgery - is this normal? 

  • HI Jenna,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. I am sorry to hear about the stabbing pain on the side of your surgery. I am not a doctor, but I suspect that there is still some healing going on under the surface. I have had a double mastectomy and I still get the occasional episode of stabbing pain. I have had these checked out and nothing untoward has been found in the past 14 years. I expect that you will soon be having your annual review post-surgery. Please mention these at your appointment and get them checked out.

    I sincerely hope that all is fine. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    You can get stabbing pains from nerve or muscle irritation/inflammation. Sometimes, the area of surgery will develop scar tissue over time which is fibrous and thicker. This can press on superficial nerves. Massaging gently over the area with vitamin E oil/cream can help increase circulation to the area that has intermittent pain. If you are able, take some anti inflammatories such as brufen, or else paracetamol. Consider changing your bra, and maybe go to a sports type bra for extra support across your back. Think about bedtime, and how you are sleeping. Change pillows and maybe try wearing a bra for more chest and back support.

    Try to not over use that side and that arm, and try and do some gentle slow stretching exercises for the upper body to stretch muscles over the chest area. The NHS website have safe exercises to do. You can also seek advice from a private physiotherapist, or else ask your GP for a NHS physiotherapy referral. You can also ask your GP to examine you, if you would like that reassurance. Sometimes they will consider sending you for a mammogram as well. But most stabbing pain is not related to cancer, and needs management as outlined above.

    I hope this helps,

    Best wishes,
