cold cap

What are the side affects of cold cap, how bad is it. I thought it was just rather uncomfortable but have heard you can have real pain and discomfort. Am just scared of everything at the moment.  just feel totally panicked and overwhelmed due to start treatment very soon.

  • Hello Katie, welcome to our forum . Sorry to hear you are in this position but you will find plenty of support and ideas here. I had bilateral Breastcancer in 22 followed by chemotherapy . I had the option of the cold cap but decidedl against it as it would have put more time on my day at the unit . Many women used it and seemed quite happy. It is not always successful. I have met women who decided to try it for a few sessions and then changed their minds . Try it and see how you feel . Good luck and keep in touch xx

  • Hi. I had cold cap last year for 4 chemo sessions. Before using it I had 2 sessions of a different chemo drug where I wasn't allowed cold cap so feared my hair follicles might have weakened but gave the cold cap a go anyway. I only washed my hair once a week as advised and used a sulphate free shampoo. Also tried to be very gentle with my fast manic brushing etc. I also smothered my hair in a sulphate free conditioner before having the cap on. I did find it very painful along the edges of the cap especially ...the first time was the worst. I lost some hair but no patches and haven't had to wear my wig at all. Am amazed it worked so well. Good luck with whatever you choose to do. X

  • Hello Katie121 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation. I can understand before you start treatment that there is so much to take on board and it can be quite overwhelming.

    I see that one of the members of the forum has given you some useful tips. We do have a page on our website about hair loss which includes some information on cold caps. I would see how you get on with the cold cap. Everyone reacts differently. You may find you tolerate it quite well.

    As a back up you may find it helpful to look at wigs. There are so many choices that are available and many hairdressers are now trained to style a wig to make it look very similar to your own hairstyle.

    I have included a link on suppliers of wigs and scarves which you might find helpful to look at.

    I am not sure whether you are living near to a Maggies as they have information on hair loss.

    They also run work shops called 'Look good feel better' where they will give you advice about skin care and beauty advice. You can see all the details in the Maggie's link.

    If you don't have a Maggie's near you then the Look good feel better courses are also run in hospitals.

    Do remember that when your treatment stops your hair will grow back.

    If you would find it helpful to ring and chat to one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to do so.

    Our Freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and the nurses are here Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
