At 52 I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer, I opted for surgery and recovered very quickly and was getting erections even whilst I had the catheter in. I then found out I still had cancer remaining and had 6.5weeks of radiation and hormone therapy. I am now 55 and 18 months post treatment.
This has massively impacted my life as I have not been able to get an erection since, my penis has shrunk by almost 50% as have my testicles and feel sore. I feel as if I’m in a constant state of mourning that I can no longer ejaculate or get any sexual satisfaction. I’ve been a very sexual man up to this point and this loss has caused me to have a major mental breakdown. I feel that I am a shadow of my former self and I try to absorb myself into things but I feel just so sad and deeply unhappy.
I was admitted into a mental health unit and now awaiting counselling but I feel that there is nothing anyone can say to me that can change anything. Is this a normal reaction?