'high-grade (moderate) dyskaryosis.

My daughter has a recall after smear - HPV and abnormal cells found - hospital appt for a Colpolscopy. It says above in the letter. CIN2 I think.

Very worried early cancer might be found. She’s 24. Panicking and very anxious. Appt this Thursday.

Thank you.

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your daughter having HPV and abnormal cells at her first screening and appreciate the worry this can cause.

    It is really important to remember that cervical screening is all about prevention. By picking up any abnormality at an early stage means that women can be monitored and any abnormal cells removed before they have chance to turn into cancer ( which usually takes years).

    At your daughters appointment they will be able to take a closer look at the cervix and any abnormal cells to decide whether to treat there and then with something like LLETZ or they may wish to take a biopsy ( tissue sample) of the cells to confirm the type and severity of abnormal cell before deciding the best way forward.

    It is rare for cervical cancer to be picked up through the cervical screening programme if women attend for regular screenings and follow up as called. However when it is detected it is usually at an early stage where treatment is successful.

    Try not to worry or overthink things for now.

    I hope your daughters appointment goes well for her.

    Best wishes


  • Thank you for coming back to me appreciate this and your advice. Appt tomorrow.
