Squamous cell carcinoma

I haven’t had any active treatment to remove the SCC on my middle finger right hand since August 2024.  I had it confirmed after a biopsy in October 2023, I am now waiting on urgent plastic surgery to remove it, which may not be for a further 10 weeks.  The Plastic Surgery secretary told me when I phoned, they are too busy removing more serious skin cancers.  Simple question.. is this acceptable to wait this long?   

  • Hi Huggles

    10 weeks wait is quite normal at present time.  Even if you paid privately it would likely be 6 weeks. The plastic surgeons have a busy work schedule.

    My recent wait for this procedure to was 14 weeks and I opted to go to a Hospital outside my area to get it done more quickly.

    Given you've had this for well over a year another 10 weeks probably will not make much difference.

    The waiting as always is the worst bit.

    All the best for your treatment once it is done.


  • Hello and thanks for your enquiry,

    Unfortunately, we are aware of delays in NHS treatment throughout the UK. Some NHS Trusts infrastructure is struggling to cope with the amount of patient referrals, and workforce shortages.

    You can enquire if your hospital may contact you at short notice if there is a patient cancellation. This can happen and can bring forward treatment dates sometimes.

    I hope that you proceed to get your planned treatment soon.

    Best wishes,


  • Thanks folks for the replies, and I agree it’s hard waiting.  I appreciate you taking time to answer me, patience is virtue I don’t have.  As farmer Ed says, I’ve waited over a year so what’s another 10 weeks.