Pink discharge. Worries.


Can you advise please. I used a pessary for thrush two days ago. I now have dark thick red blood and discharge when I wipe.

What should I do as I am so embarrassed about going the doctors but also can never get an appointment. My period isn't due for two weeks.

What would it be?

  • You must go to your doctor.  You say that you are embarrassed, but isn't it better to be embarrassed than to face the possibility that you might have cancer?  Also, IF it is cancer, TIME is of the essence.......the sooner it is treated. the higher your chance of beating it.  You say that you can never get an appointment with your Doctor, and I am not really sure what you mean by that.  It's true that we often have to wait a week or two to see a Doctor, but you WILL be seen at some point. Phone for an appointment today.  Good luck.  

  • Hello and thanks for your question,

    Most vaginal discharge is due to infections, fungal or bacterial. Unfortunately, we can't diagnose on this forum, so it isn't the best place for this issue. You may need some vaginal swabs taken to find out more to treat it. So you will need to make an appointment to see your GP or Practice Nurse at your GP surgery. You can ask the advice of your local pharmacist too, whilst you wait for your GP appointment.

    I hope that you get this sorted soon,

    Best wishes,
