I am 60 years old and have been through menopause 11 years ago.
,I have had lots of bouts of cystitis over the past couple of years but they always came back clear.
Just after christmas i noticed jelly like sticky discharge which was yellow, then i had green and then finally pink brown which made me get straight to doctor, She gave me 3 day course antibiotics and I have had no discharge since.
Within a week I had appointment for Ultrasound and then week after a Hysteroscopy appointment. I went but opted for A general anesthetic so I am now waiting for this. The doctor gave me my results which showed my womb lining is 14mm and explained the scenarios. Dr said she has me on priority list.. I am Shocked but TBF i had feeling something not right. was expecting polyp or something. My bloods, pap and urine all came back clear.
I have few ongoing symptoms. -
hot flushes during day and night
urinating couple times during night
slight pelvic cramping and light headed some days for a minute or two.
I am worried in case all my urine infections was anything growing and I have left too late to go to doctors.
Worried sick and wonder how long I will have to wait to get my Hysteroscopy under General.
Thanks for reading this and I hope you can maybe give me some hope. x