I have now had a polyp removed and 2 LLETZ/Loop procedures to remove sections of my cervix initially it was because they thought I had CIN2/3 and more recently they have said it is definitely CIN3. Each time they have taken a bit away it has relieved a constant pain I am experiancing in what appears to me to be the area where the pelvic lymph nodes are. I resonates between my cervix and my hip low down on the right hand side.
I am told that CIN3 does not present any symptoms but I am certain the pain relates to whatever is going on and I am now seeing that there are other women describing similar pain. I also saw that pelvic pain can be a symptom on this site elsewhere. I don't understand why this is not taken to be a common symptom. Is it because it only occurs if it progresses to being cancer? If not then I think it definitely needs to be taken as a recognised symptom of CIN3 as multiple people have said the same.
after my first LLETZ the pain settled down in that area where it had been pounding for months prior to this being done.... It recently had built up again and was progressivly getting worse and keeping me awake at nights and now since having a further operation the pain has been alleviated again where the pain intensity is less.
Given that I am being told this is not a symptom, should I be concerned about something completely seperate and going back to my doctor to be referred to another department to investigate?
Thanks for your help.