Could i please receive some advice as to what to do.
I discovered a ? Mole last week on my left shoulder, following this :
I sent pictures of this to a private GP on line who advised that it looked suspicious and to make an apppintment to see my GP.
Attended my GP who was training to be a GP who advised that it didnt look that bad but he would probably refer me to a dermatologist. He then changed his mind and advised that he would get a GP to have a look at it which he did. The GP said that it didnt look 100% like a cancer but to leave it 4 weeks and check if it changes and if it does to go back.
Normally this wouldnt bother me but i have had 3 sort of difference in advice, as a result i then contacted a further private gp today by sending further pictures who advised that it does look suspicious.
What can i do now? I am willing to pay private to see a dermatologist but cant get an appointment for 8 weeks