Skin Cancer?


Could i please receive some advice as to what to do.

I discovered a ? Mole last week on my left shoulder, following this :

I sent pictures of this to a private GP on line who advised that it looked suspicious and to make an apppintment to see my GP.

Attended my GP who was training to be a GP who advised that it didnt look that bad but he would probably refer me to a dermatologist. He then changed his mind and advised that he would get a GP to have a look at it which he did. The GP said that it didnt look 100% like a cancer but to leave it 4 weeks and check if it changes and if it does to go back.

Normally this wouldnt bother me but i have had 3 sort of difference in advice, as a result i then contacted a further private gp today by sending further pictures who advised that it does look suspicious.

What can i do now?   I am willing to pay private to see a dermatologist but cant get an appointment for 8 weeks


  • Please chase this up. I was told a mole that looked like a blister was nothing to worry about. Turns out it was melonoma. The earlier it is identified the better the outcome. Keep pushing for a proper diagnosis. I wish you all the best.

  • Hi,

    I'm not a nurse but I've been a melanoma patient for many years. I wanted to give my 'opinion' whilst you wait for the nurses to return on Monday.

    Under normal circumstances I would ask if the new mole follows any of the ABCDE rule & I would ask your age (it's not unusual for new moles to appear up to the age of 40 - after that they tend to have a chance of being more suspicious). However, because you've already received conflicting advice from 3 different GP's, I would continue to contact your GP practice & get another appointment, preferably with a GP that specialises in dermatology if the practice has one. I would tell the GP that the conflicting advice from different GP's, especially being asked to wait 4 weeks for any changes, is causing you great anxiety and you must push them to refer you to a dermatologist. 

    The other option is to go to a well known, old established, high street pharmacy (sorry, I'm not allowed to name them but you can easily find their website) where they do mole scans. For a small fee they will check your mole with a dermascope, scan it and send it to a dermatology service which will provide a reply within a week. If it's found to be of concern, they will tell you the next steps. I think, but I'm not 100% sure, that they provide you a copy of the scan result so you can take it your GP to help get a referral. All this will probably take 2 or 3 weeks depending on how quick you can get appointments for the scan & with the GP afterwards. If it were me, I would, at the same time, make an appointment with a private dermatologist - if you get the referral for the NHS dermatology appointment through before the 8 week wait for the private appointment, you can always then cancel the private one.

    Don't be afraid to advocate for your own health. Both my consultants are great believers in self advocacy. Good luck and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Thanks to both of you and hope you are ok.

    I contacted a further GP online who advised it did look suspicious and to see another GP in the practice.

    In the meantime i made an appt for a mole clinic as there were no appts for a private dermatologist for a few months here. I called the private hospital and managed to get a canellation for a dematologist for Mon. I take it he will be able to advise on mon if there is nothing to worry about or if i require further treatment

  • Hello Hopenot, and thanks for your post,

    I can understand how difficult this must be when you have had three doctors giving different opinions.

    It is very difficult to advise you but if you have concerns and you are able to go down the private route then this may give you peace of mind. I am not sure 8 weeks will make too much difference. There is a shortage of dermatologists both in the NHS and in private practise so we are finding that people are waiting a little longer then normal.

    Do keep an eye on it. It can help to take regular photographs (every couple of weeks) so you can see if there any changes. I would also phone the private hospital and find out what costs are involved as you may find it better to shop around.

    If you do decide to wait for 4 weeks then do take a photograph so you can see if there are any changes in 4 weeks.

    There is a picture on our website with some information about abnormal moles and skin changes

    I hope this helps.

    Moles are common and hopefully this will not be anything too serious but it is always good to get these checked and if you did decide to wait for 4 weeks I am sure your GP would ensure you had an urgent referral if they had any concerns.

    If you would like to talk any of this through with one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to do so.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,


  • Thanks everyone. Saw the dermstologist who advised that it was sebboreic kerratosis??? and nothing to worry about

  • That's great to hear. x