TURBT - mum is currently having bladder cancer surgery. Struggling to find out how she's getting on

Can someone help me please? My mum is having her bladder cancer surgery. She is in theatre as I write this. They told us to call at 5pm to see what was happening. We called, and were told to ring back at 6pm. We just rang them.again and have been told the same. I am terrified that something horrible has happened and they're not telling us.

  • We not have to ring back at 7pm. I want to know she's OK.

  • I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble getting an update on your mum LunarLou.

    I just wanted to reply as our nurses don't work in the evenings, so the earliest you would hear back from them would be tomorrow.

    I can see it's gone 7p.m now, so I really hope it's been a case of third time lucky and you finally know what's going on. If that isn't the case, all I can suggest is that you keep on trying when they say and hopefully you'll get the answers and peace of mind you're seeking soon.

    I can't begin to imagine how stressful and worrying this must be for you LunarLou, but we are thinking of you and sending all our support your way.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    It sounds like it was an anxious time for you. I don't think we would have been able to help you with this specifically.

    Departments are often very busy doing direct patient care, so can take time to contact relatives with news.

    Hopefully, you will have heard by now.

    Best wishes,
