Multiple Blood clots


My partner had his first blood clot in May and was put on thinners (Apaxiban) he then had another 2 in September (different leg) and was again but on Apaxiban, he hadn't finished the course yet when we got more pain and was diagnosed with multiple in both legs.

He's 46, very active, not over weight, walks along as part of his job and doesn't drive at all,  no family historyof blood clots.

The hospital have put him on injections and warfarin and have ordered a CT scan. I am a severe over thinker!

What are the chances something more sinister is causing them or would they know what by now with the standard bloods they do at the hospital. 

Thank you 

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about the multiple blood clots your husband has experienced over the past year, it sounds like it has been a difficult and worrying time.

    There can be many reasons for blood clots and it is important the doctors rule out anything serious, just to be on the safe side.

    Unfortunately no one here can say what the chance this may be cancer and until your husband has had the CT scan no one can say any more, but hopefully everything will be okay.

    It sounds like the doctors are doing all they can to figure out what may be causing these clots to give him the best possible treatment to manage this.

    I hope you know more soon

    All the best


  • Thank you. He's had CT and no news I assume is good news. He's lost about 1 5 stone but we don't know over how long. He's been quite stressed with it all so could be that. He's also got an appointment with haematology but not until April so again that can only be a good thing. Thanks for your reply. I'm still stressing but feeling more positive with how things seem at the moment. Xx