Good Morning
Still in shock from my results yesterday that I have Womb Cancer I am booked for a CT scan on Monday and I remember the nurse said this type of Cancer was genetic , she said it could be a hysterectomy but if it spread then this might not be an option , I left with so many questions I really felt like I had been told I was dying but that was the demeanor of the Nurse who carried out the Hysteroscopy, the Cancer nurse who was also present and who will be "looking after me " was so different I have seen people talk about the thickness of the womb , I had no idea what this meant but I have looked on my NHS app this morning and a letter has now been added to my account copied below so this was after the Hysteroscopy and the results have obviously come back to show I have cancer , what does the 11mm mean is that really bad, medium bad ? any one have any clues .
Ultrasound scan performed prior to the consultation today showed an endometrial thickness of 11mm and suggestion of a polyp. For this reason, | have recommended a diagnostic hysteroscopy +/- polypectomy and she has consented to this in outpatients today. The hysteroscopy appeared to be well tolerated using Entonox throughout, no polyp was identified however, there was a thickened vascular appearance which did look suspicious on the anterior wall.
Many thanks