Blocked Bowel

Hi, someone close to me is suffering a lot of pain due to the above and can't even sit down. The tablets that have been prescribed are not really taking affect like the last couple of times. Could you tell me what path this may lead him down.  His cancer is advanced and terminal. Obviously I am worried about him. Thanks. 

  • The nurses will not be back until the morning I am afraid. 

    If the person is in a lot of pain that cannot be managed by the medication that they already have.  Call 111 and ask to speak to the out of hours palliative care team, explain the situation and they will give you some advice.  

  • Hello and thank you for contacting us.

    I am sorry to hear that someone close to you is suffering with pain.

    Please get the health professional involved to review the medication so that it can be better managed.

    The palliative care team are expert in symptom control and emotional support for patients who have advanced cancer, so encourage this person to contact their team or call the GP to be referred.

    Unfortunately, this person sounds very unwell, but with the right support, they may have an improved quality of life. Uncontrolled pain is so hard to live with and watch, so I hope this gets sorted out soon.

    We do have information on our website that can be very hard to read but may answer some future questions that you have.

    Take care and if you want to talk anything through with the nurses on the helpline the number is 0808 800 4040. Lines are open mon-fri 9-5. 
