
My lovely dad died last week and the death certificate says carcinamatosis and multiple myeloma. We only ever knew about the myeloma and all I know from the medical examiner is that the former means the cancer had spread. So many questions. It seems to be a generic term so I don’t know what carcinamatosis meant for him. Websites take me to lung, brain and other but I don’t know what happened for dad. How come they didn’t know before he died and how come they did a ‘non invasive’ procedure to diagnose this after he died. There was no post mortem. My sister has had a lumpectomy for breast cancer this year following a diagnosis of stage 2 cancer. Is carcinamatosis a risk now we know dad had it? Thank you

  • Hi there and thanks for the post

    I am very sorry to hear that your dad died last week, this must be such a difficult time for all the family.

    As we aren't involved we can't comment too much on the details of what happened but I do know that there are rules on what can and can't be put on a death certificate. If a person dies of a type of cancer further information such as carcinomatosis which means cancer spreads to other parts of the body will be put in if this is the case. Unfortunately with myeloma, as the symptoms don't normally present until late on, many patients will be diagnosed when the cancer has already spread.

    I think the only way forward in getting more information is to ask the hospital if a time can be arranged for a doctor to go through your dad's medical records. If your dad was on a particular ward you could phone them to ask how you could go about this.

    There is some evidence to suggest that people who have a relative with myeloma are at an increased risk of developing myeloma. However, at the same time, it is unusual to have more than 1 family member with a myeloma and there are of course other risk factors that you can read about on our website.

    As I said please do speak with the hospital if you would like a greater understanding and closure about what has happened.

    We always advise people worried about cancer risk to discuss this with their doctor to find out if they may be eligible for genetic testing or additional or early cancer screening.

    I hope this is helpful but do get back if you have more questions or if you prefer to talk over the phone our number is 0808 800 4040, we're here weekdays 9-5.

    Take care
